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41. (JEE Main 2018 (Online) 15th April Morning Slot )

A Helmholtz coil has a pair of loops, each with N turns and radius R . They are placed coaxially at distance R and the same current I flows through the loops in the same direction. P , midway between the centers A and C , is given by [Refer to figure given below] :

JEE Main 2018 (Online) 15th April Morning Slot Physics - Magnetic Effect of Current Question 130 English

A. 8 N μ 0 I 5 1 / 2 R

B. 8 N μ 0 I 5 3 / 2 R

C. 4 N μ 0 I 5 1 / 2 R

D. 4 N μ 0 I 5 3 / 2 R

Correct Answer is Option (B)

P is the mid-point of line AC. A and C are the center of the two circle of each radius R.

Current flows through loop A and B are in same direction, So the magnetic field will also be in the same direction. Magnitude of magnetic field at paint P

= magnitude of magnetic field due to A and B at paint P.

= 2 [ μ 0 N I R 2 2 ( R 2 + R 2 4 ) 3 2 ]

= μ 0 N I R 2 5 3 2 R 3 8

= 8 μ 0 N I 5 3 2 R

42. (JEE Main 2017 (Online) 9th April Morning Slot )

A negative test charge is moving near a long straight wire carrying a current. The force acting on the test charge is parallel to the direction of the current. The motion of the charge is :

A. away from the wire

B. towards the wire

C. parallel to the wire along the current

D. parallel to the wire opposite to the current

Correct Answer is Option (B)

JEE Main 2017 (Online) 9th April Morning Slot Physics - Magnetic Effect of Current Question 125 English Explanation

Given situation is shown in the figure

As we know,

F = q ( v × B )

F = q 0 ( v × B )

According to question, direction of current is parallel to the force acting on the electron. Hence, the motion of test charge is towards the wire.

43. (JEE Main 2016 (Offline) )

Two identical wires A and B , each of length l , carry the same current I . Wire A is bent into a circle of radius R and wire B is bent to form a square of side a . If B A and B B are the values of magnetic fields at the centres of the circle and square respectively, then the ratio B A B B is:

A. π 2 16

B. π 2 8 2

C. π 2 8

D. π 2 16 2

Correct Answer is Option (B)

Case (a) :

JEE Main 2016 (Offline) Physics - Magnetic Effect of Current Question 141 English Explanation 1

B A = μ 0 4 π I R × 2 π

= μ 0 4 π I / 2 π × 2 π ( 2 π R = )

= μ 0 4 π I × ( 2 π ) 2

Case (b) :

JEE Main 2016 (Offline) Physics - Magnetic Effect of Current Question 141 English Explanation 2

B B = 4 × μ 0 4 π I a / 2 [ sin 45 + sin 45 ]

= 4 × μ 0 4 π × I / 8 × 2 2

= μ 0 I 4 π × 2 32 [ 4 a = 1 ]

44. (AIEEE 2012 )

A charge Q is uniformly distributed over the surface of non-conducting disc of radius R . The disc rotates about an axis perpendicular to its plane and passing through its center with an angular velocity ω . As a result of this rotation a magnetic field of induction B is obtained at the center of the disc. If we keep both the amount of charge placed on the disc and its angular velocity to be constant and very the radius of the disc then the variation of the magnetic induction at the center of the disc will be represented by the figure :

A. AIEEE 2012 Physics - Magnetic Effect of Current Question 136 English Option 1

B. AIEEE 2012 Physics - Magnetic Effect of Current Question 136 English Option 2

C. AIEEE 2012 Physics - Magnetic Effect of Current Question 136 English Option 3

D. AIEEE 2012 Physics - Magnetic Effect of Current Question 136 English Option 4

Correct Answer is Option (A)

The magnetic field due a disc is given as

B = h 0 ω Q 2 π R i.e., B 1 R

45. (AIEEE 2011 )

A current I flows in an infinitely long wire with cross section in the form of a semi-circular ring of radius R . The magnitude of the magnetic induction along its axis is:

A. μ 0 I 2 π 2 R

B. μ 0 I 2 π R

C. μ 0 I 4 π R

D. μ 0 I π 2 R

Correct Answer is Option (D)

Current in a small element, d l = d θ π I

Magnetic field due to the element

d B = μ 0 4 π 2 d l R

The component d B cos θ , of the field is canceled by another opposite component.


AIEEE 2011 Physics - Magnetic Effect of Current Question 143 English Explanation

B n e t = d B sin θ = μ 0 I 2 π 2 R 0

0 π sin θ d θ = μ 0 I π 2 R