A current i
ampere flows along an infinitely long straight thin walled tube, then the magnetic induction at any
inside the tube is
B. Zero
C. Infinite
Correct Answer is Option (B)
Using Ampere's law at a distance from axis, is same from symmetry.
Here is zero, for whereas is the radius
57. (AIEEE 2003
A particle of mass and charge moving with velocity describe a circular path of radius when subjected to a uniform transverse magnetic field of
induction The network done by the field when the particle
completes one full circle is
B. zero
Correct Answer is Option (B)
The work done,
The angle between force and displacement is
Therefore work done is zero.
58. (AIEEE 2003
A particle of charge coulomb moving with velocity along the -axis enters a region where a magnetic field of induction
is along the -axis, and an electric field of magnitude is along the negative -axis. If the charged particle continues moving along the
-axis, the magnitude of is
Correct Answer is Option ()
59. (AIEEE 2002
If an electron and a proton having same momentum enter perpendicular to a magnetic field, then
A. curved path electron and proton will be same(ignoring the sence of revolution)
B. they will move undeflected
C. curved path electron is more curved than that of proton
D. path of proton is more curved.
Correct Answer is Option (A)
KEY CONCEPT : When a charged particle enters
perpendicular to a magnetic field,
then it moves in a circular path of radius.
where Charge of the particle
Momentum of the particle
Magnetic field
Here and are constant for electron and proton,
therefore the radius will be
60. (AIEEE 2002
The time period of a charged particle undergoing a circular motion in a uniform magnetic field is
of its
A. speed
B. mass
C. charge
D. magnetic induction
Correct Answer is Option (A)
KEY CONCEPT : The time period of a charged particle
moving in a magnetic field is
The time period does not depend on the speed of the particle.