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6.(JEE Main 2016 (Online) 9th April Morning Slot )

To know the resistance G of a galvanometer by half deflection method, a battery of emf VE and resistance R is used to deflect the galvanometer by angle θ . If a shunt of resistance S is needed to get half deflection then G, R and S are related by the equation :

A. 2S (R + G) = RG

B. S (R + G) = RG

C. 2S = G

D. 2G = S

Correct Answer is Option (B)

When only galvanometer G is present with the resistance R,

JEE Main 2016 (Online) 9th April Morning Slot Physics - Magnetic Effect of Current Question 123 English Explanation 1

Here IG = V E R + G

When shunt of resistance S is connected parallel to galvanometer,

JEE Main 2016 (Online) 9th April Morning Slot Physics - Magnetic Effect of Current Question 123 English Explanation 2

Here I = V E R + G S G + S

As deflection is half, here current through galvanometer,

IG' = I G 2

As both Galvanometer and shunt are parallel then potential are parallel then potential difference same.

   IG' (G) = (I IG')S

   I'G (G + S) = IS

    I G 2 = I S G + S

    V E 2 ( R + G ) = V E R + G S G + S × S ( G + S )

    1 2 ( R + G ) = G + S R ( G + S ) + G S × S ( G + S )

   RG + RS + GS = 2RS + 2GS

   RG = RS + GS

    S(R + G) = RG