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16. (AIEEE 2004)

The length of a magnet is large compared to its width and breadth. The time period of its oscillation in a vibration magnetometer is 2s. The magnet is cut along its length into three equal parts and these parts are then placed on each other with their like poles together. The time period of this combination will be

A. 2 3 s

B. 2 3 s

C. 2 s

D. 2 3 s

Correct option is (B)

T = 2 π 1 M × B where I = 1 12 m 2

When the magnet is cut into three pieces the pole strength will remain the same and

M . I . ( I ) = 1 12 ( m 3 ) ( 3 ) 2 × 3 = I 9

We have, Magnetic moment ( M )

= Pole strength ( m ) ×

New magnetic moment,

M = m × ( 3 ) × 3 = m = M

T = T 9 = 2 3 s .

17. (AIEEE 2003)

A thin rectangular magnet suspended freely has a period of oscillation equal to T . Now it is broken into two equal halves (each having half of the original length) and one piece is made to oscillate freely in the same field. If its period of oscillation is T , the ratio T T is

A. 1 2 2

B. 1 2

C. 2

D. 1 4

Correct option is (B)

KEY CONCEPT : The time period of a rectangular magnet oscillating in earth's magnetic field is given by

T = 2 π I μ B H

where I = Moment of inertia of the rectangular magnet

μ = Magnetic moment

B H = Horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field

Case 1 : T = 2 π I μ B H where I = 1 12 M 2

Case 2 : Magnet is cut into two identical pieces such that each piece has half the original length. Then

T = 2 π I μ B H

where I = 1 12 ( M 2 ) ( 2 ) 2 = I 8 and μ = μ 2

T T = I μ × μ I

= I / 8 μ / 2 × μ I

= 1 4 = 1 2

18. (AIEEE 2003)

A magnetic needle lying parallel to a magnetic field requires W units of work to turn it through 60o The torque needed to maintain the needle in this position will be :

A. 3 W

B. W

C. 3 2 W

D. 2W

Correct option is (A)

W = M B ( cos θ 1 cos θ 2 )

= M B ( cos θ cos 60 )

= M B ( 1 1 2 ) = M B 2

τ = M B sin θ = M B sin 60

= 3 M B 2 = 3 W

19. (AIEEE 2003)

The magnetic lines of force inside a bar magnet

A. are form north-pole to south-pole of the magnet

B. do not exist

C. depend upon the area of cross-section of the bar magnet

D. are form south-pole to north-pole of the Magnet

Correct option is (D)

As shown in the figure, the magnetic lines of force are directed from south to north inside a bar magnet.

AIEEE 2003 Physics - Magnetic Properties of Matter Question 63 English Explanation