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1. (JEE Main 2024 (Online) 9th April Morning Shift)

One main scale division of a vernier caliper is equal to m units. If n th  division of main scale coincides with ( n + 1 ) th  division of vernier scale, the least count of the vernier caliper is :

A. n ( n + 1 )

B. m ( n + 1 )

C. n ( n + 1 )

D. m n ( n + 1 )

Correct option is (B)

The least count of a vernier caliper is defined as the smallest distance that it can measure and is calculated by the difference in length between one main scale division and one vernier scale division. It can be represented as:

Least Count = Main scale division Vernier scale division

Given that one main scale division is equal to m units and the n th  division of main scale coincides with the ( n + 1 ) th  division of the vernier scale, this means that n divisions on the main scale is equal to ( n + 1 ) divisions on the vernier scale.

Since one main scale division is m units, n divisions on the main scale would be n × m units. If n divisions on the main scale are equal to ( n + 1 ) divisions on the vernier scale, we can determine the length of one vernier scale division as

Length of one vernier scale division = n × m n + 1

Thus, the least count, which is the difference between one main scale division and one vernier scale division, is:

Least Count = m n × m n + 1 = m ( 1 n n + 1 ) = m ( n + 1 n n + 1 ) = m ( 1 n + 1 )

This simplifies to:

Least Count = m n + 1

Therefore, the correct option is:

Option B: m n + 1

2. (JEE Main 2024 (Online) 8th April Evening Shift )

Least count of a vernier caliper is 1 20   N   cm . The value of one division on the main scale is 1   mm . Then the number of divisions of main scale that coincide with N divisions of vernier scale is :

A. ( 2   N 1 2   N )

B. ( 2   N 1 20   N )

C. ( 2   N 1 )

D. ( 2   N 1 2 )

Correct option is (D)

In a vernier caliper, the least count is the smallest distance measurable by the instrument. It can be defined using the difference between one main scale division and one vernier scale division. Given the least count, we can relate the number of divisions on the main scale to the divisions on the vernier scale.

The given least count of the vernier caliper is:

1 20   N   cm

We know that the value of one division on the main scale is:

1   mm

To find the number of divisions on the main scale that coincide with N divisions of the vernier scale, let’s denote:

The number of divisions on the main scale = M

The number of divisions on the vernier scale = N

The least count formula for a vernier caliper is given by:

Least Count = Value of one main scale division Value of one vernier scale division

The value of one main scale division is:

1   mm

The value of one vernier scale division can be expressed in terms of the number of divisions M and N:

Value of one vernier scale division = M N   mm

Given the least count:

1 20   N   cm = 1 20   N 10   mm = 1 2   N   mm

Using the least count formula, we have:

1 2   N = 1 M N

Rearranging the equation to solve for the number of main scale divisions (M), we get:

1 1 2   N = M N

Simplifying further:

2   N 1 2   N = M N

Multiplying both sides by N, we get the value of M:

M = 2   N 1 2

Therefore, the correct answer is option D:

( 2   N 1 2 )

3. (JEE Main 2024 (Online) 8th April Morning Shift)

The diameter of a sphere is measured using a vernier caliper whose 9 divisions of main scale are equal to 10 divisions of vernier scale. The shortest division on the main scale is equal to 1   mm . The main scale reading is 2   cm and second division of vernier scale coincides with a division on main scale. If mass of the sphere is 8.635 g , the density of the sphere is:

A. 2.2   g / cm 3

B. 2.0   g / cm 3

C. 1.7   g / cm 3

D. 2.5   g / cm 3

Correct option is (B)

To find the density of the sphere, we need to calculate its volume using the measured diameter. Then, using the mass of the sphere, we can calculate the density using the formula for density, which is Density = Mass Volume . Let's start by finding the accurate measurement of the diameter using the given vernier calipers readings.

The least count (LC) of the vernier calipers can be calculated using the formula:

LC = Value of one main scale division (MSD) Number of vernier scale divisions (VSD) that match with the main scale

Given that 9 divisions of the main scale are equal to 10 divisions of the vernier scale and the shortest division on the main scale is equal to 1 mm , we find:

LC = 1 mm 10 = 0.1 mm = 0.01 cm

For the main scale reading (MSR) of 2 cm and the second division of the vernier scale coinciding with a division on the main scale, the vernier scale reading (VSR) can be expressed as VSR = 2 × LC .

So, VSR = 2 × 0.01 cm = 0.02 cm .

The total measurement of the diameter (D) can be found by adding MSR and VSR:


D = 2 cm + 0.02 cm = 2.02 cm

Now, we can calculate the volume (V) of the sphere using its diameter with the formula V = 4 3 π r 3 , where r is the radius of the sphere. Remembering that the radius is half of the diameter, r = D 2 = 2.02 cm 2 = 1.01 cm .

Therefore, V = 4 3 π ( 1.01 cm ) 3 ,

Calculating the volume,

V = 4 3 π ( 1.01 ) 3 cm 3 4 3 × 3.1416 × 1.0303 cm 3 = 4 3 × 3.1416 × 1.0303 cm 3 4.3434 cm 3

Now to find the density ( ρ ) using the mass ( M = 8.635 g ) and volume ( V = 4.3434 cm 3 ) calculated,

ρ = M V = 8.635 g 4.3434 cm 3 1.988 g / cm 3

Comparing this result to the given options, the closest value is:

Option B 2.0 g / cm 3

4. (JEE Main 2024 (Online) 6th April Evening Shift)

In a vernier calliper, when both jaws touch each other, zero of the vernier scale shifts towards left and its 4 th  division coincides exactly with a certain division on main scale. If 50 vernier scale divisions equal to 49 main scale divisions and zero error in the instrument is 0.04   mm then how many main scale divisions are there in 1   cm ?





Correct option is (D)

0.04 = 4 (  L. C.)   L.C  = 0.01   mm 1 MSD 49 50 M S D = 0.01   mm 1 MSD = 50 × 0.01   mm = 0.5   mm 1   cm = 20 ( 0.5   mm )

5. (JEE Main 2024 (Online) 6th April Evening Shift)

In finding out refractive index of glass slab the following observations were made through travelling microscope 50 vernier scale division = 49   MSD ; 20 divisions on main scale in each cm

For mark on paper

 MSR  = 8.45   cm , VC = 26

For mark on paper seen through slab

MSR = 7.12   cm , VC = 41

For powder particle on the top surface of the glass slab

 MSR  = 4.05   cm , VC = 1

(MSR = Main Scale Reading, VC = Vernier Coincidence)

Refractive index of the glass slab is :





Correct option is (D)

To find the refractive index of the glass slab, we first need to calculate the actual readings using the Main Scale Reading (MSR) and Vernier Coincidence (VC), and understand how to translate these values into a measurement of the refractive index. We will start by calculating the Least Count (LC) of the vernier calipers.

The least count (LC) of the traveling microscope is given by the formula:


Where MSD is the value of one main scale division and VSD is the value of one vernier scale division in terms of the main scale. We are told 50 vernier scale divisions equal 49 main scale divisions (MSD), so 1 VSD is 49 50 of an MSD.

Given that 20 divisions on the main scale represent 1 cm, each main scale division (MSD) represents:

1 MSD = 1 cm 20 = 0.05 cm

Therefore, the least count (LC) of the microscope is:

LC = 0.05 cm ( 49 50 × 0.05 cm ) = 0.05 cm 0.049 cm = 0.001 cm

Now, using the least count to find the total reading (TR) from both supplied observations:

  1. For the mark on paper, the total reading (TR) is:

TR = MSR + ( VC × LC )

TR paper = 8.45 cm + ( 26 × 0.001 cm ) = 8.45 cm + 0.026 cm = 8.476 cm

  1. For the mark on the paper seen through the slab, the total reading is:

TR seen through slab = 7.12 cm + ( 41 × 0.001 cm ) = 7.12 cm + 0.041 cm = 7.161 cm

  1. For the powder particle on the top surface of the glass slab:

TR top surface = 4.05 cm + ( 1 × 0.001 cm ) = 4.05 cm + 0.001 cm = 4.051 cm

The real depth (RD) observed directly is the difference between the first and third observations (mark on paper and powder particle on top surface):

RD = TR paper TR top surface = 8.476 cm 4.051 cm = 4.425 cm

The apparent depth (AD) when viewed through the slab is the difference between the second and third observations:

AD = TR seen through slab TR top surface = 7.161 cm 4.051 cm = 3.11 cm

The refractive index ( n ) of the glass slab can be found using the formula:

n = Real Depth (RD) Apparent Depth (AD) = 4.425 cm 3.11 cm

Calculating this gives:

n = 4.425 3.11 1.42

Therefore, the refractive index of the glass slab is approximately 1.42, which corresponds to Option D.