Correct Answer is Option (A)
Given and
Lowest resonant frequency is when
Therefore lowest resonant frequency
26. (AIEEE 2006)
A string is stretched between fixed points separated by It is observed to have resonant frequencies of and . There are no other resonant frequencies between these two. Then, the lowest resonant frequency for this string is
A. 105 Hz
B. 1.05 Hz
C. 1050 Hz
D. 10.5 Hz
27. (AIEEE 2003)
A metal wire of linear mass density of is stretched with a tension of - between two rigid supports metre apart. The wire passes at its middle point between the poles of a permanent magnet, and it vibrates in resonance when carrying an alternating current of frequency The frequency of the alternating source is :
A. 50 Hz
B. 100 Hz
C. 200 Hz
D. 25 Hz