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1. ⇒  (MHT CET 2023 10th May Morning Shift )

Which among the following colours is obtained in Schiff test of aldehydes?

A. Blue

B. Green

C. Magenta

D. Black

Correct Option is (C)

When alcoholic solution of aldehyde is treated with few drops of Schiff's reagent, pink or red or magenta colour appears.

2. ⇒  (MHT CET 2023 9th May Evening Shift )

Which of the following on reaction with ammoniacal silver nitrate forms silver precipitate?

A. Ethanol

B. Ethanal

C. Ethoxyethane

D. Ethanoic acid

Correct Option is (B)

Tollens' reagent oxidises aldehyde to the corresponding carboxylate anion. Silver gets precipitated as greyish black precipitate.

Tollens' reagent is a mild oxidizing agent. Thus, simple hydrocarbons, ethers, ketones and alcohols do not get oxidized by Tollens' reagent.

3. ⇒  (MHT CET 2021 20th September Morning Shift )

When alcoholic solution of an organic compound is treated with few drops of Schiff's reagent, pink colour appears. This confirms the presence of group



C. MHT CET 2021 20th September Morning Shift Chemistry - Aldehyde and Ketone Question 22 English Option 3

D. CH 2 OH

Correct Option is (B)

Schiff test confirms the presence of aldehydic ( CHO) group.

4. ⇒  (MHT CET 2021 20th September Morning Shift )

Which of the following compounds on reaction with ammonical silver nitrate solution forms precipitate of silver?

A. Ethanal

B. Ethanoic acid

C. Ethanol

D. Ethoxy ethane

Correct Option is (A)

Silver mirror test or Tollen's test is given by only aldehydes.

Hence, ethanal on reaction with ammonical silver nitrate solution forms precipitate of silver.