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Topic 1 : Rutherford Atomic Model

1. ⇒ ( NEET 2016 Phase 1)

When an α -particle of mass m moving with velocity v bombards on a heavy nucleus of charge Ze, its distance of closest approach from the nucleus depends on m as

A. 1 m 2

B. m

C. 1 m

D. 1 m

The Correct Answer is Option (C)

At closest distance of approach, the kinetic energy of the particle will convert completely into electrostatic potential energy.

Kinetic energy = 1 2 m v 2

Potential energy = K Q q r

1 2 m v 2 = K Q q r

r 1 m

2. ⇒ (AIPMT 2010 Prelims)

An alpha nucleus of energy 1 2 mv2 bombards a heavy nuclear target of charge Ze. Then the distance of closest approach for the alpha nucleus will be proportional to

A. 1 Z e

B. v2

C. 1 m

D. 1 v 4

The Correct Answer is Option (C)

Kinetic energy of alpha nucleus is equall to electrostatic potential energy of the system of the alpha particle and the heavy nucleus. That is,

1 2 m v 2 = 1 4 π ε 0 × ( Z e ) × ( 2 e ) d i n

dmin 1 m