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Topic 1 : Conductance and Conductivity 1

1. ⇒ (JEE Main 2023 (Online) 15th April Morning Shift )

The number of correct statements from the following is _______.

(A) Conductivity always decreases with decrease in concentration for both strong and weak electrolytes.

(B) The number of ions per unit volume that carry current in a solution increases on dilution.

(C) Molar conductivity increases with decrease in concentration

(D) The variation in molar conductivity is different for strong and weak electrolytes

(E) For weak electrolytes, the change in molar conductivity with dilution is due to decrease in degree of dissociation.

correct answer is 3

# Explanation

Let us evaluate each statement one by one to determine whether it is true or false:

(A) Conductivity always decreases with decrease in concentration for both strong and weak electrolytes.

This statement is true. Conductivity is defined as the ability of a solution to conduct electricity, and it depends on the concentration of ions in the solution. As the concentration of ions decreases, the conductivity of the solution also decreases, regardless of whether the electrolyte is strong or weak.

(B) The number of ions per unit volume that carry current in a solution increases on dilution.

This statement is false. The number of ions per unit volume in a solution decreases on dilution, because the total number of ions in the solution remains the same, but the volume increases.

(C) Molar conductivity increases with decrease in concentration.

This statement is generally true. Molar conductivity is a measure of the ability of an electrolyte to conduct electricity, and it depends on both the concentration of the electrolyte and the mobility of the ions. As the concentration of the electrolyte decreases, the molar conductivity increases because the ions become more separated from each other, and the electrostatic interactions between them become weaker, allowing them to move more freely in the solution.

(D) The variation in molar conductivity is different for strong and weak electrolytes.

This statement is true. The variation in molar conductivity with concentration is different for strong and weak electrolytes. Strong electrolytes dissociate completely in solution, so their molar conductivity increases rapidly with dilution, while weak electrolytes dissociate only partially, so their molar conductivity increases more slowly with dilution.

(E) For weak electrolytes, the change in molar conductivity with dilution is due to decrease in degree of dissociation.

This statement is false. For weak electrolytes, the change in molar conductivity with dilution is due to an increase in the degree of dissociation, not a decrease.

Therefore, there are 3 correct statements in the given options, namely (A), (C), (D).

2.  (JEE Main 2023 (Online) 10th April Evening Shift )

The specific conductance of 0.0025   M acetic acid is 5 × 10 5   S   cm 1 at a certain temperature. The dissociation constant of acetic acid is __________ ×   10 7 (Nearest integer)

Consider limiting molar conductivity of CH 3 COOH as 400   S   cm 2   mol 1

correct answer is 66

# Explanation

Given that the specific conductance, k , is 5 × 10 5   S   c m 1 and the concentration, C , is 0.0025   M , we can find the molar conductivity, λ m , as follows:

λ m = k C × 1000 = 5 × 10 5 × 10 3 0.0025 = 5 × 10 2 2.5 × 10 3 = 20   S   c m 2   m o l 1

Next, we find the degree of dissociation, α , by dividing λ m by the limiting molar conductivity, λ m o :

α = 20 400 = 1 20

Finally, we use the formula for the dissociation constant of a weak acid, K a :

K a = C α 2 1 α = 0.0025 × 1 20 × 1 20 19 20 = 0.0025 19 × 20 = 6.6 × 10 6 = 66 × 10 7

So, the correct answer is 66.

3.  (JEE Main 2023 (Online) 1st February Evening Shift )

1 × 10 5   M   AgNO 3 is added to 1   L of saturated solution of AgBr . The conductivity of this solution at 298   K is _____________ × 10 8   S   m 1 .

[Given : K SP ( AgBr ) = 4.9 × 10 13 at 298   K

λ Ag + 0 = 6 × 10 3   S   m 2   mol 1 λ Br 0 = 8 × 10 3   S   m 2   mol 1 λ NO 3 0 = 7 × 10 3   S   m 2   mol 1 ]

correct answer is 13039

# Explanation

1 × 10 5   M   AgNO 3 is added to 1   L of saturated solution of AgBr . The conductivity of this solution at 298   K is _____________ × 10 8   S   m 1 .

[Given : K SP ( AgBr ) = 4.9 × 10 13 at 298   K

λ Ag + 0 = 6 × 10 3   S   m 2   mol 1 λ Br 0 = 8 × 10 3   S   m 2   mol 1 λ NO 3 0 = 7 × 10 3   S   m 2   mol 1 ]

4.  (JEE Main 2023 (Online) 31st January Evening Shift )

The resistivity of a 0.8 M solution of an electrolyte is 5 × 10 3 Ω   cm .

Its molar conductivity is _________ × 10 4   Ω 1   cm 2   mol 1 . (Nearest integer)

correct answer is 25

# Explanation

 Molar conductivity  = k × 1000 C = 1 5 × 10 3 × 1000 0.8 = 10 6 4 = 0.25 × 10 6 = 25 × 10 4 Ω 1   cm 2   mol 1

5.  (JEE Main 2023 (Online) 29th January Morning Shift )

Following figure shows dependence of molar conductance of two electrolytes on concentration. Λ m o is the limiting molar conductivity.

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 29th January Morning Shift Chemistry - Electrochemistry Question 19 English

The number of incorrect statement(s) from the following is ___________

(A) Λ m o for electrolyte A is obtained by extrapolation

(B) For electrolyte B, Λ m vs c graph is a straight line with intercept equal to Λ m o

(C) At infinite dilution, the value of degree of dissociation approaches zero for electrolyte B.

(D) Λ m o for any electrolyte A and B can be calculated using λ for individual ions

correct answer is 2

# Explanation

(A) Λ m for 'A' cannot be obtained by extra polation.

(C) At infinite dilution, value of degree of dissociation approaches one.

A and C are incorrect

6.  (JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th July Morning Shift )

Resistance of a conductivity cell (cell constant 129   m 1 ) filled with 74.5 ppm solution of KCl is 100 Ω (labelled as solution 1). When the same cell is filled with KCl solution of 149 ppm , the resistance is 50 Ω (labelled as solution 2). The ratio of molar conductivity of solution 1 and solution 2 is i.e. 1 2 = x × 10 3 . The value of x is __________. (Nearest integer)

Given, molar mass of KCl is 74.5   g   mol 1 .

correct answer is 1000

# Explanation

l A = 129   m 1

KCl solution 1 74.5 ppm , R 1 = 100 Ω

KCl solution 2 149 ppm , R 2 = 50 Ω

 Here,  p p m 1 p p m 2 = M 1 M 2 = ( w 1 / M 0 V × V w 2 / M 0 ) Λ 1 Λ 2 = k 1 × 1000 M 1 k 2 × 1000 M 2 = k 1 k 2 × M 1 M 2 = 50 100 × 2 = Λ 1 Λ 2 = 1000 × 10 3 = 1000

7.  (JEE Main 2022 (Online) 27th June Morning Shift )

The limiting molar conductivities of NaI, NaNO3 and AgNO3 are 12.7, 12.0 and 13.3 mS m2 mol 1, respectively (all at 25 C). The limiting molar conductivity of AgI at this temperature is ____________ mS m2 mol 1.

correct answer is 14

# Explanation


(1) λ m ( NaI ) = 12.7 mS m 2   mol 1

(2) λ m ( NaNO 3 ) = 12.0 mS m 2   mol 1

(3) λ m ( AgNO 3 ) = 13.3 mS m 2   mol 1

λ m ( Ag I ) = ( 1 ) + ( 3 ) ( 2 )

= 12.7 + 13.3 12.0

= 26.0 12.0

λ m ( Ag I ) = 14.0

8.  (JEE Main 2022 (Online) 24th June Evening Shift )

The resistance of a conductivity cell containing 0.01 M KCl solution at 298 K is 1750 Ω . If the conductivity of 0.01 M KCl solution at 298 K is 0.152 × 10 3 S cm 1, then the cell constant of the conductivity cell is ____________ × 10 3 cm 1.

correct answer is 266

# Explanation

Molarity of KCl solution = 0.1   M

 Resistance  = 1750   ohm  Conductivity  = 0.152 × 10 3   S   cm 1  Conductivity  =  Cell constant   Resistance   Cell constant  = 0.152 × 10 3 × 1750 = 266 × 10 3   cm 1

9. ⇒ (JEE Main 2022 (Online) 27th July Evening Shift )

Given below are two statements :

Statement I : For KI, molar conductivity increases steeply with dilution

Statement II : For carbonic acid, molar conductivity increases slowly with dilution

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below :

(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are true

(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are false

(C) Statement I is true but Statement II is false

(D) Statement I is false but Statement II is true


Correct answer is B

Statement I is false : KI is a strong electrolyte which gets completely dissociate on dissolution. On dilution, the molar conductivity almost remain constant.

Statement II is false : carbonic acid is a weak electrolyte which do not gets completely dissociate on dissolution. On dilution the molar conductivity of weak electrolyte increases sharply.

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 27th July Evening Shift Chemistry - Electrochemistry Question 32 English Explanation

Both Statements are false.

10. ⇒ (JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th July Evening Shift )

The molar conductivity of a conductivity cell filled with 10 moles of 20 mL NaCl solution is Λ m 1 and that of 20 moles another identical cell heaving 80 mL NaCl solution is Λ m 2 . The conductivities exhibited by these two cells are same. The relationship between Λ m 2 and Λ m 1 is

(A) Λ m 2 = 2 Λ m 1

(B) Λ m 2 = Λ m 1 / 2

(C) Λ m 2 = Λ m 1

(D) Λ m 2 = 4 Λ m 1


Correct answer is A

Λ m 1 = k 1 × 1000 M 1 = k × 1000 10 0.02

Λ m 2 = k 2 × 1000 20 0.08

It is given that k 1 = k 2

k 1 = Λ m 1 2 k 2 = Λ m 2 4

Applying the given condition on conductivity.

Λ m 1 2 = Λ m 2 4 Λ m 2 = 2 Λ m 1

11. ⇒ (JEE Main 2021 (Online) 31st August Evening Shift )

Match List - I with List - II

List - I
List - II
(a) Cell constant (i) S c m 2 m o l 1
(b) Molar conductivity (ii) Dimensionless
(c) Conductivity (iii) m 1
(d) Degree of dissociation of electrolyte (iv) Ω 1 m 1

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :

(A) (a)-(iii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii)

(B) (a)-(iii), (b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iv)

(C) (a)-(i), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii)

(D) (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iv)


Correct answer is A

Cell constant = ( l A ) Units = m 1

Molar conductivity ( Λ m) Units = Sm2 mole 1

Conductivity (K) Units = S m 1

Degree of dissociation ( α Dimensionless

(a) - (iii), (b) - (i), (c) - (iv), (d) - (ii)