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Topic 2 : Electrolysis and Types of Electrolysis 3

20. ⇒ (JEE Main 2016 (Online) 10th April Morning Slot )

Oxidation of succinate ion produces ethylene and carbon dioxide gases. On passing 0.2 Faraday electricity through an aqueous solution of potassium succinate, the total volume of gases (at both cathode and anode) at STP (1 atm and 273 K) is :

(A) 2.24 L

(B) 4.48 L

(C) 6.72 L

(D) 8.96 L


Correct answer is D

The reaction is

2 C H 3 C O O K + 2 H 2 O E l e c t r o l y s i s C H 3 C H 3 + 2 C O 2 + H 2 + 2 K O H

At the anode (Oxidation):

JEE Main 2016 (Online) 10th April Morning Slot Chemistry - Electrochemistry Question 106 English Explanation

At the cathode (Reduction):

2 H 2 O + 2 e 2 O H + 2 H

2 H H 2

Total number of moles of gases

= moles of C2H6 + moles of CO2 + moles of H2

n = 0.2 2 + 0.2 1 + 0.2 2 = 0.4

V = n R T p

= ( 0.4 × 0.0821 × 273 ) 1 = 8.96 L

21. ⇒ (JEE Main 2015 (Offline) )

Two Faraday of electricity is passed through a solution of CuSO4. The mass of copper deposited at the cathode is: (at. mass of Cu = 63.5 amu)

(A) 63.5 g

(B) 2 g

(C) 127 g

(D) 0 g


Correct answer is A

C u 2 + + 2 e C u

2 F i . e . 2 × 96500 C deposit C u = 1 mol = 63.5 g

22. ⇒  (AIEEE 2005)

Aluminium oxide may be electrolysed at 1000oC to furnish aluminium metal (Atomic mass = 27 amu; 1 Faraday = 96,500 Coulombs). The cathode reaction is Al3+ + 3e- Alo To prepare 5.12 kg of aluminium metal by this method would require

A. 5.49 × 107 C of electricity

B. 1.83 × 107 C of electricity

C. 5.49 × 104 C of electricity

D. 5.49 × 101 C of electricity

Correct Answer is Option (A)

1 mole of e = 1 F = 96500 C

27 g of A l is deposited by 3 × 96500 C

5120 g of A l will be deposited by

= 3 × 96500 × 5120 27

= 5.49 × 10 7 C


23. ⇒  (AIEEE 2003)

When during electrolysis of a solution of AgNO3, 9650 coulombs of charge pass through the electroplating bath, the mass of silver deposited on the cathode will be :

A. 10.8 g

B. 21.6 g

C. 108 g

D. 1.08 g

Correct Answer is Option (A)

When 96500 coulomb of electricity is passed through the electroplating bath the amount of Ag deposited = 108 g

when 9650 coulomb of electricity is passed deposited Ag.

= 108 96500 × 9650 = 10.8 g


24. ⇒  (AIEEE 2002)

When the sample of copper with zinc impurity is to be purified by electrolysis, the appropriate electrodes are :

A. cathode = pure zinc, anode = pure copper

B. cathode = impure sample, anode = pure copper

C. cathode = impure zinc, anode = impure sample

D. cathode = pure copper, anode = impure sample

Correct Answer is Option (D)

Pure metal always deposits at cathode.