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6. ( JEE Main 2022 (Online) 28th July Evening Shift)

Assume there are two identical simple pendulum clocks. Clock - 1 is placed on the earth and Clock - 2 is placed on a space station located at a height h above the earth surface. Clock - 1 and Clock - 2 operate at time periods 4 s and 6 s respectively. Then the value of h is -

(consider radius of earth R E = 6400   km and g on earth 10   m / s 2 )

A. 1200 km

B. 1600 km

C. 3200 km

D. 4800 km

Correct Answer is Option (C)

T 1 / g

T 1 T 2 = g 2 g 1 = R R + h

4 6 = R R + h

h = R / 2

= 3200 km

7. (JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th June Evening Shift)

The motion of a simple pendulum executing S.H.M. is represented by the following equation.

y = A sin ( π t + ϕ ) , where time is measured in second. The length of pendulum is

A. 97.23 cm

B. 25.3 cm

C. 99.4 cm

D. 406.1 cm

Correct Answer is Option (C)

ω = π = g l

So, l = g π 2

99.4 cm (Nearest value)

8.(JEE Main 2022 (Online) 26th June Morning Shift)

Time period of a simple pendulum in a stationary lift is 'T'. If the lift accelerates with g 6 vertically upwards then the time period will be :

(Where g = acceleration due to gravity)

A. 6 5 T

B. 5 6 T

C. 5 6 T

D. 7 6 T

Correct Answer is Option (C)

T = 2 π I g eff 

T = 2 π I g + g 6 = 2 π 6 l 7 g

T = 6 7 T

9. (JEE Main 2022 (Online) 28th June Morning Shift )

A pendulum is suspended by a string of length 250 cm. The mass of the bob of the pendulum is 200 g. The bob is pulled aside until the string is at 60 with vertical as shown in the figure. After releasing the bob, the maximum velocity attained by the bob will be ____________ ms 1. (if g = 10 m/s2)

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 28th June Morning Shift Physics - Simple Harmonic Motion Question 37 English

Correct Answer is (5)

1 2 m v 2 = m g l ( 1 cos θ )

v = 2 g l ( 1 cos θ )

= 2 × 10 × 2.5 × 1 2

= 5 m/s

10. (JEE Main 2021 (Online) 31st August Evening Shift)

A bob of mass 'm' suspended by a thread of length l undergoes simple harmonic oscillations with time period T. If the bob is immersed in a liquid that has density 1 4 times that of the bob and the length of the thread is increased by 1/3rd of the original length, then the time period of the simple harmonic oscillations will be :-

A. T

B. 3 2 T

C. 3 4 T

D. 4 3 T

Correct Answer is Option (D)

T = 2 π l / g

When bob is immersed in liquid

mgeff = mg Buoyant force

mgeff = mg v σ g ( σ = density of liquid)

= m g v ρ 4 g

= m g m g 4 = 3 m g 4

g e f f = 3 g 4

T 1 = 2 π l 1 g e f f

l 1 = l + l 3 = 4 l 3 , l e f f = 3 g 4

By solving

T 1 = 4 3 2 π l / g

T 1 = 4 T 3