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26. (AIEEE 2003)

The length of a simple pendulum executing simple harmonic motion is increased by 21 % . The percentage increase in the time period of the pendulum of increased length is :

A. 11%

B. 21%

C. 42%

D. 10%

Correct Answer is Option (D)

The period of a simple pendulum is given by:

T = 2 π L g


  • T is the period,
  • L is the length of the pendulum, and
  • g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Since g is constant, we see that the period T is proportional to the square root of the length L.

If L is increased by 21%, the new length L' is L + 21%L = 1.21L. The new period T' is then:

T = 2 π L g = 2 π 1.21 L g = 1.21 T 1.1 T

The percentage increase in the time period is then:

T T T × 100 % = ( 1.21 1 ) × 100 % 10 %

Therefore, the percentage increase in the time period of the pendulum of increased length is approximately 10%.

27. (AIEEE 2002)

A child swinging on a swing in sitting position, stands up, then the time period of the swing will

A. increase

B. decrease

C. remains same

D. increases of the child is long and decreases if the child is short

Correct Answer is Option (B)

KEY CONCEPT : The time period T = 2 π g where

= distance between the point of suspension and the center of mass of the child. This distance decreases when the child stands

T < T i.e., the period decreases.