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16.(JEE Main 2022 (Online) 28th July Morning Shift )

The dimensions of ( B 2 μ 0 ) will be :

(if μ 0 : permeability of free space and B : magnetic field)

(A) [ M L 2 T 2 ]

(B) [ M L T 2 ]

(C) [ M L 1   T 2 ]

(D) [ M L 2   T 2   A 1 ]

Correct answer is (C)

[ B 2 μ 0 ] = [Energy density]

= M L 2 T 2 L 3 = M L 1 T 2

17.(JEE Main 2022 (Online) 27th June Evening Shift )

The SI unit of a physical quantity is pascal-second. The dimensional formula of this quantity will be :

(A) [ML 1T 1]

(B) [ML 1T 2]

(C) [ML2T 1]

(D) [M 1L3T0]

Correct answer is (A)

[pascal-second] = M L T 2 L 2 × T

= M L 1 T 1

18.(JEE Main 2022 (Online) 26th June Evening Shift )

The dimension of mutual inductance is :

(A) [ M L 2 T 2 A 1 ]

(B) [ M L 2 T 3 A 1 ]

(C) [ M L 2 T 2 A 2 ]

(D) [ M L 2 T 3 A 2 ]

Correct answer is (C)

U = 1 2 M i 2

[ M ] = [ U ] [ i 2 ] = M L 2 T 2 A 2

= [ M L 2 T 2 A 2 ]

19.(JEE Main 2022 (Online) 24th June Evening Shift )

Identify the pair of physical quantities that have same dimensions:

(A) velocity gradient and decay constant

(B) Wien's constant and Stefan constant

(C) angular frequency and angular momentum

(D) wave number and Avogadro number

Correct answer is (A)

Velocity gradient = d v d x

Dimensions are [ L T 1 ] [ L ] = [ T 1 ]

Decay constant λ has dimensions of [ T 1 ] because of the relation d N d t = λ N

Velocity gradient and decay constant have same dimensions.

20.(JEE Main 2022 (Online) 24th June Morning Shift )

Identify the pair of physical quantities which have different dimensions:

(A) Wave number and Rydberg's constant

(B) Stress and Coefficient of elasticity

(C) Coercivity and Magnetisation

(D) Specific heat capacity and Latent heat

Correct answer is (D)

[ S ] = [ C ] [ m ] × [ Δ T ]

and, [ L ] = [ Q ] [ m ]

They have different dimensions.