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21. (JEE Main 2020 (Online) 5th September Morning Slot )

Three different processes that can occur in an ideal monoatomic gas are shown in the P vs V diagram. The paths are labelled as A B, A C and A D. The change in internal energies during these process are taken as EAB, EAC and EAD and the work done as WAB, WAC and WAD.
The correct relation between these parameters are : JEE Main 2020 (Online) 5th September Morning Slot Physics - Heat and Thermodynamics Question 193 English

(A) EAB < EAC < EAD, WAB > 0, WAC > WAD

(B) EAB = EAC = EAD, WAB > 0, WAC = 0, WAD < 0


(D) EAB = EAC < EAD, WAB > 0, WAC = 0, WAD < 0

Correct answer is (B)

For all process,


WAB > 0 as volume increases.

WAC = 0 as volume constant.

WAD < 0 as volume decreases.

22. (JEE Main 2019 (Online) 12th April Evening Slot )

A diatomic gas with rigid molecules does 10 J of work when expanded at constant pressure. What would be the heat energy absorbed by the gas, in this process ?

(A) 35 J

(B) 30 J

(C) 25 J

(D) 40 J

Correct answer is (A)

At constant pressure,

W = P Δ V = nR Δ T

At constant pressure, heat supplied

Q = nCp Δ T

W Q = R C p

For diatomic gas, Cp = 7 2 R

10 Q = R 7 2 R

Q = 10 × 7 2 = 35 J

23. (JEE Main 2019 (Online) 12th April Morning Slot )

A sample of an ideal gas is taken through the cyclic process abca as shown in the figure. The change in the internal energy of the gas along the path ca is –180 J. The gas absorbs 250 J of heat along the path ab and 60 J along the path bc. The work done by the gas along the path abc is: JEE Main 2019 (Online) 12th April Morning Slot Physics - Heat and Thermodynamics Question 233 English

(A) 120 J

(B) 130 J

(C) 100 J

(D) 140 J

Correct answer is (B)

For the process (c – a), Δ Uca = – 180 J

For process (b – c) Isochoric (Wbc = 0)

Δ U = 60 J

Heat absorbs along (a – b), Qab = 250 J

Also Δ Ucycle = 0

Δ Uab = 120 J

So Wa b = 130 J

Total work done from (a b c)

= Wab + Wbc = 130 J

24. (JEE Main 2019 (Online) 10th April Evening Slot )

When heat Q is supplied to a diatomic gas of rigid molecules, at constant volume its temperature increases by Δ T. the heat required to produce the same change in temperature, at a constant pressure is :

(A) 7 5 Q

(B) 3 2 Q

(C) 2 3 Q

(D) 5 3 Q

Correct answer is (A)

Heat supplied at constant volume
Q = nCV Δ T

and heat supplied at constant pressure
Q' = nCP Δ T

Q = C P C V Q = ( 1 + 2 5 ) Q = 7 5 Q

25. (JEE Main 2019 (Online) 10th April Morning Slot )

A cylinder with fixed capacity of 67.2 lit contains helium gas at STP. The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of the gas by 20°C is : [Given that R = 8.31 J mol–1 K–1]

(A) 374 J

(B) 700 J

(C) 748 J

(D) 350 J

Correct answer is (C)

Δ Q = n C v      Δ T = n 3 2 R Δ T

= ( 67.2 22.4 ) ( 3 2 × 8.31 ) ( 20 )

748 J