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11. ⇒  (MHT CET 2021 20th September Morning Shift )

A conductivity cell shows resistance of 600 ohm. If conductivity of 0.01 M KCl is 0.0015 Ω 1 cm 1 , what is cell constant?

A. 0.60 cm 1

B. 0.45 cm 1

C. 0.90 cm 1

D. 0.75 cm 1

Correct Option is (C)

R = 600 Ω , k KCl = 0.0015   Ω cm 1 , c = 0.01   M  Cell constant  = k KCl × R solution  = 0.0015   Ω 1   cm 1 × 600 Ω = 0.90   cm 1