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1. ⇒  (MHT CET 2023 12th May Evening Shift )

Which among the following is haloalkyne?

A. CH 3 CH 2 CH = CH X

B. CH 3 C = C CH 2 X

C. CH C CH 2 CH 2 X

D. CH 3 CH 2 C C X

Correct Option is (D)

Currently no explanation available

2. ⇒  (MHT CET 2023 12th May Morning Shift )

The molecular formula of hexachlorobenzene is

A. C 6 H 6 Cl 6

B. C 6 Cl 6

C. C 6 H 5 Cl

D. C 6 H 6 Cl

Correct Option is (B)

MHT CET 2023 12th May Morning Shift Chemistry - Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Question 7 English Explanation

3. ⇒  (MHT CET 2023 10th May Evening Shift )

Which among the following is vinylic halide?

A. CH 2 = CH CH 2 X

B. CH 3 CH = CH X

C. CH 3 C C X

D. C 6 H 5 CH 2 X

Correct Option is (B)

In vinylic halides, halogen atom is bonded to a sp 2 hybridized carbon atom of aliphatic chain. CH 3 CH = CH X is a vinylic halide.

4. ⇒  (MHT CET 2023 9th May Evening Shift )

Which among the following is allylic halide?

A. CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 X

B. C 6 H 5 CH 2 X

C. CH 2 = CH CH 2 X

D. CH 3 CH = CH X

Correct Option is (C)

In allylic halides, halogen atom is bonded to a sp 3 hybridized carbon atom next to a carboncarbon double bond ( CH 2 = CH CH 2 X ) .