The Correct Answer is Option (C)
Redox couple is both the reduced and oxidised form involve same element.
1. The correct option for a redox couple is:⇒ (NEET 2023 Manipur)
A. Both are oxidised forms involving same element.
B. Both are reduced forms involving same element.
C. Both the reduced and oxidised forms involve same element.
D. Cathode and anode together.
The Correct Answer is Option (C)
Redox couple is both the reduced and oxidised form involve same element.
2. Hot concentrated sulphate acid is a moderately strong oxidizing agent. Which of the following reactions does not show oxidizing behaviour? ⇒ (NEET 2016 Phase II)
A. Cu + 2H2SO4
B. S + 2H2SO4
C. C + 2H2SO4
D. CaF2 + H2SO4
The correct answer is option (D)
CaF2 + H2SO4
Here, the oxidation state of every atom remains the
same so, it is not a redox reaction.
3. (I) H2O2 + O3
(II) H2O2 + Ag2O
Role of Hydrogen peroxide in the above reactions is respectvely ⇒ (AIPMT 2014)
A. oxidizing in (I) and reducing in (II)
B. reducing in (I) and oxidizing (II)
C. reducing in (I) and (II)
D. oxidizing in (I) and (II)
The correct answer is option (C)
So, H2O2 acts as reducing agent in all those reactions
in which O2 is evolved.
4. The pair of compounds that can exist together is ⇒ (AIPMT 2014)
A. FeCl3, SnCl2
B. HgCl2, SnCl2
C. FeCl2, SnCl2
D. FeCl3, KI
The correct answer is option (C)
Both FeCl2 and SnCl2 are reducing agents with low oxidation numbers.
5. Which is the best description of the behaviour of bromine in the reaction given below?
H2O + Br2
A. Proton acceptor only
B. Both oxidised and reduced
C. Oxidised only
D. Reduced only
The correct answer is option (B)
H2O +
In the above reaction the oxidation number of Br2
increases from zero (in Br2
) to +1 (in HOBr) and
decreases from zero (in Br2
) to –1 (in HBr). Thus Br2
is oxidised as well as reduced and hence it is a redox
6. The oxide which cannot act as a reducing agent is ⇒ (25 April 2013(Online))
A. CO2
B. ClO2
C. NO2
D. SO2
The correct answer is option (A)
CO2 cannot act as reducing agent because C in CO2 has an oxidation state of +4 . C can have a maximum of +4 oxidation state, it cannot increase the oxidation state beyond +4 thus CO2 cannot undergo oxidation thus it cannot act as a reducing agent.
7. Which species is acting as a reducing agent in the following reaction ?
14H+ + Cr2O72- → 2Cr3+ +
7H2O +
3Ni2+ ⇒ ()
A. Cr2O72-
B. Ni
C. H+
D. H2O
The correct answer is option (B)
Reducing agent is define as the species which carries out the reduction of other species and
itself gets
In the reaction given in option B, the charge on nickel atom is changed from 0 to +2. Thus
Nickel atom
is oxidized and it carries on nickel out the reduction of Chromium atom.
14H+ + Cr2O72- → 2Cr3+ +
7H2O +
Oxidation: Ni ⇒ Ni2+
Reduction: Cr6+ ⇒ Cr3+